I have decided of all the props that would be in my trailer. So I thought of having car in the first scene with the three kids (teenagers) sitting inside. There will be trees around them. In this scene there will not be that much props because it will be outside. In my second shot I thought of showing the audience the house the three friends are planning to burgle. Also when the kids a trying t break in, I will show some items they may use to break in but it will be a long shot of them. I also thought of having trees and maybe the house. This will not have as many props I might have thought of. The props are cods and conventions for crime and helps signify action.
In my third shot I think that I will show the shot of where the kids have ruined the house. As the props within this shot I will add objects like paper on the floor, glass on the floor, chairs upside down, and maybe photo frames, I want to use all this to show the audience that it is a burglary and not something else, also because it makes the scene more dramatic and may ant the audience to watch it. In my fourth shot I would like to have a line going through the middle to show Linda( the house owner) walking in and the other shot on the other side of the line would show what she sees. So the shot where Linda is in I would show a light behind her and maybe objects from another room such as table, chairs, pots and pans to make it seem as if she is in a kitchen and that is where she is looking at her living room from, and then in the other shot I would show all the objects that were smashed on to the floor like the papers, glass, photo frames and many more.
In my fifth shot I would like to have a close up of a phone this will show that the person is calling for an emergency. Also in the sixth shot I would like to have a shot of the police car from the outside with trees and bushes around it maybe other cars to show it is outside. The next shot I would like to show that it is outside as well because I would like to show bushes when one of the teenager is hiding, and I would like to show handcuffs to show that the teenagers are getting arrested. The next shot I would like to show that they are all in an investigating room. To show this I will have papers, a laptop to show that they are in a investigating room.
I also planned out costumes, In the first shot where the teenagers are in the care they would be wearing something black and nothing will be covering their faces where as when the are trying to break into the house I would like to have them wearing black but this time they would be covered up. Also when the shot comes and Linda the house owner enters, the audience will see Linda wearing her pyjamas, this will show the audience that Linda had heard a noise and has come down to see after waking up. I would also like to have investigators but obviously I will not be able to get real investigators, so I will ask a student who might want to take part in the acting and ask them to wear a science coat which looks like the coats that the investigators wear. Also I would try to ask one of the local police to take part and they would obviously wear what police officers wear.